Data Extraction#
import os
from pathlib import Path
from pantograph.server import Server
Tactic Invocation#
Pantograph can extract tactic invocation data from a Lean file. A tactic invocation is a tuple containing the before and after goal states, and the tactic which converts the “before” state to the “after” state.
To extract tactic invocation data, use server.tactic_invocations(file_name)
and supply the file name of the input Lean file.
project_path = Path(os.getcwd()).parent.resolve() / 'examples/Example'
print(f"$PWD: {project_path}")
server = Server(imports=['Example'], project_path=project_path)
units = server.tactic_invocations(project_path / "Example.lean")
$PWD: /home/aniva/Projects/atp/PyPantograph/examples/Example
The function returns a list of CompilationUnit
objects, corresponding to each compilation unit in the input Lean file. For performance reasons only the text boundaries are loaded into CompilationUnit
with open(project_path / "Example.lean", 'rb') as f:
content =
for i, unit in enumerate(units):
print(f"#{i}: [{unit.i_begin},{unit.i_end}]")
unit_text = content[unit.i_begin:unit.i_end].decode('utf-8')
#0: [14,85]
/-- Ensure that Aesop is running -/
example : α → α :=
by aesop
#1: [85,254]
example : ∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
intro p q h
-- Here are some comments
cases h
. apply Or.inr
. apply Or.inl
Each CompilationUnit
includes a list of TacticInvocation
s, which contains the .before
(corresponding to the state before the tactic), .after
(corresponding to the state after the tactic), and .tactic
(tactic executed) fields.
for i in units[0].invocations:
print(f"[Tactic]\n{i.tactic} (using {i.used_constants})")
α : Sort ?u.7
⊢ α → α
aesop (using [])
for i in units[1].invocations:
print(f"[Tactic]\n{i.tactic} (using {i.used_constants})")
⊢ ∀ (p q : Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p
intro p q h (using [])
p q : Prop
h : p ∨ q
⊢ q ∨ p
p q : Prop
h : p ∨ q
⊢ q ∨ p
cases h (using ['Eq.refl', 'Or'])
case inl
p q : Prop
h✝ : p
⊢ q ∨ p
case inr p q : Prop h✝ : q ⊢ q ∨ p
case inl
p q : Prop
h✝ : p
⊢ q ∨ p
apply Or.inr (using ['Or.inr'])
case inl.h
p q : Prop
h✝ : p
⊢ p
case inl.h
p q : Prop
h✝ : p
⊢ p
assumption (using [])
case inr
p q : Prop
h✝ : q
⊢ q ∨ p
apply Or.inl (using ['Or.inl'])
case inr.h
p q : Prop
h✝ : q
⊢ q
case inr.h
p q : Prop
h✝ : q
⊢ q
assumption (using [])